your bussiness to the standards of the 21st century.
We are ready to help you with Data privacy & IT security, Leading your business through change – driven by automation, Project management, IT management & Delivery of solutions. We are experienced and ready to be your partner in any type of change or everyday business situations.
Data privacy & GDPR
Our approach in data privacy projects is to focus on Process, Organization and IT. We always approach data privacy projects with an intention of ”GDPR as an opportunity"
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IT Security services
Employees and their behaviour are in many cases the weakest link. Test, evaluate and increase their IT security and cyber behavior level to protect your business.
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Business process management
Business process automation & robotics; HW & SW solutions - design & delivery; IT strategy & management;
Oracle, Dell, ThriveDX, OneTrust,... certified partner.
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Consulting & Project management
If you are looking for an investor or a grant; responding to market with a change; optimizing or automating a business process - we want to help.
To make it happen - we can manage your projects or setup a functional Project management office.
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About Us
Your privacy solution
"all in one"
We are experienced and ready to be your partner in any type of change or everyday business situations. Whether your business is growing naturally or through an acquisition; if you are looking for an investor; responding to market with a change; acting on business process optimization or automation need. We want to be part of it and help.
of experience

Contact us
Use any contact method to reach us: email us, use the contact form on our webpage or simply call us
Free Consultation
The best way for us to get to know you as a customer and to understand your goals or problems is to meet. F2F, through video or a call. It’s free - quaranteed!
We believe in fair pricing. Some of our services have a price defined upfront, some need to be tailored to your needs. You'll always know the price of ou solution upfront
We commit to just as much as we can cope with - we never overpromise! We combine internal and external resources for the best skill and capacity mix.
Holistic password security
CASE STUDY : Holistic password security
Phishing attack simulation
CASE STUDY : Phishing attack simulation

Tomáš Lejtrich
CEO & Lead consultant

Stanislav Vaňo
Technical lead

Dáša Ilenčíková
Project management
Let's talk about improving
your business marketing
If you have any issues or concerns about the service, please call +421 903 766 446 or email to sales@dexterity.sk, we will contact you shortly after receiving your request.